


Extended Product Description:
AeroShell Oils are straight mineral oils used primarily during break-in of most four-stoke cycle certificated aviation piston engines. AeroShell Oils are blended from selected high viscosity index base stocks and contain pour point depressants for improved fluidity at cold temperatures. AeroShell Oils are available in Aviation Grades 65, 80, 100 and 120 (SAE equivalent grades 30, 40, 50 and 60.).

Intended Use: 
Applications include: * four-stroke cycle certificated aircraft reciprocating piston engines when use of an ashless dispersant (AD) oil is not required; * used for break-in of most certificated four-stroke cycle aviation piston engines. The duration and lubrication for break-in vary, so aircraft owners should refer to the original engine manufacturer and/or overhaul facility for specific recommendations; * antique aircraft, which operate with very low oil temperatures or in aircraft that, have previously been run exclusively on mineral oil for an extended period of time.



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Black, Yellow


Metal, Plastic, Wood


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